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Eleanor (1973 Ford Mustang)

Posted by ronaldoccd on Senin, 21 Desember 2009 , under | komentar (0)

'Eleanor' is the trademarked name given to a 1973 Ford Mustang Mach 1 for its role in the 1974 film Gone in 60 Seconds. "Eleanor" is the only Ford Mustang in history to receive Star title credit in a movie. However in the new Gone In 60 Seconds movie, the new Eleanor is a 1967 Shelby GT500.

California based automobile scrap-dealer H.B. "Toby" Halicki created, wrote and directed the film. As a businessman with interests in property, he also trademarked the terms "Gone in 60 Seconds" and "Eleanor."

Two "Eleanors" were created for use in the movie: one was modified and driven, the other was used in the "beauty shots".

The modified car required 250 hours labor by businessman and film creator H.B. Halicki before it was ready for the cameras. It was fitted with a NASCAR roll cage, the transmission was chained in. An adjustable camera was mounted in the back seat to record from the “driver's point of view”. Other safety modifications included a heavy duty double strength Simpson shoulder harness and seat belt and deadbolt door locks.

The car survived despite two serious incidents during filming. The first occurred when another driver overshot his mark, clipped "Eleanor" in the rear and sent it careening into a steel light pole standard in excess of 100 mph, and caved the left front fender in. After two hours of repairs, filming resumed. The second occurred after an impressive 128-foot jump in which the car soars over 30 feet. “Eleanor” survived, despite the rough landing. Halicki was injured in both incidents.

Eleanor's Locations in the film

Eleanor was first placed at Los Angeles International Airport by the crew, so that Ronald Halicki can try and steal her.

Eleanor was later "stolen" from 18504 Mariposa which was Vacek's address at the time.

Much of the crowd at the gas station where Harold Smith is pulled over after the night-time Torrance chase were part of a real biker gang, who verbally abused the police officers "arresting" the actor and demanding they leave him alone.

Being an independent production, the film used real civilians who happened to be wherever they were filming. It was the police officers' bad luck that at the gas station there was a real biker gang filling up.

Eleanor was later placed in a warehouse of 48 exotic cars, all "stolen" in the movie.

When Pumpkin tells Maindrian that they have to give Eleanor back because the car is not insured, Maindrian reads the owner's address from a newspaper - 18511 Mariposa, Gardena. This was in fact director/star H.B. Halicki's own real home address at the time.

According to people on the set, Halicki missed a mark and caused "Eleanor" to hit a real telephone pole at 100 mph. The first thing that Halicki was quoted as saying when he regained consciousness was "Did we get coverage?"

After Filming
After the filming of the movie, "Eleanor" has been on display in theater lobbies, car shows, fairs, auto races, and shopping centers, and has been featured on television news shows across the country. The car was included in the "Greatest Cars of the Movies" event at the Petersen Automobile Museum, "California Classic Car Rally" on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and "Cars Are the Stars," among others.

"Eleanor" was also featured in The Junkman and Deadline Auto Theft; a modified Shelby Mustang 1967 GT500 also named "Eleanor" was used in the Gone in 60 Seconds Remake.

Toys, models, and die-cast replicas of "Eleanor" have been produced, notably by Racing Champions ERTL & Playing Mantis Johnny Lightning.

2000 Film Revival
After his death producing Gone In 60 Seconds 2 in 1989, and recent marriage to Denice[1], there were a number of legal challenges to the Halicki estate. After seven trials, in 1994 the court released Halicki's films and the associated copyrights to Halicki Films[2], owned by Denice.

In 1995, Halicki Films entered into a contract with Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer for the film Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000 film). Filming began in 1999, with Denice as Executive Producer. The movie premiered on June 5, 2000.

The popularity of the second film revived the popularity of "Eleanor." A number of car shops started to produce "Eleanor" tagged replicas (the car was now a 1967 Shelby GT500 "Eleanor"), and Denice again had to resort to legal action to protect the copyright. In 2008 Denice won a case against Carroll Shelby, who had been selling replicas as “continuation models” of his original Shelby cars. The only official licensed "Eleanor" maker was Classic Recreations LLC in Yukon, Oklahoma, USA.[3]

As of October 2009, however, Classic Restorations has ceased manufacturing Eleanor Mustangs after entering into a licensing arrangement with Carroll Shelby to produce the GT500CR, a new continuation of his original Shelby cars.[4]

Technical details


Eleanor was powered by a 351 Cleveland engine, which was secretly modified by Halicki. Features included:
  • Four-barrel carburetor
  • Cruisomatic transmission
  • H-D-7 in wheels
  • Goodyear rally GT tries
  • Double white wall tires
  • 24-volt electrical system
  • Fire extinguisher
  • First-aid kit
  • Electrical kill switches
  • Individual locking rear brakes
  • Fish plating of the undercarriage 3” x 3/8” steel
  • Removable bullet plating
License Plate Numbers
  • 869 FLA
  • 613 HSO (which is supposed to be Eleanor's real plate number in the movie)
  • 614 HSO
  • 359 JRA
  • 820 FUA
New York
  • RMH 100
  • DMC 2623
  1. ^ "Denice Halicki". Halicki Films. 2008. Retrieved 2009-08-23.
  2. ^ "Halicki Films home". Halicki Films. 2008. Retrieved 2009-08-23.
  3. ^ "1967 Ford Mustang ‘Eleanor’ recreation". The Times. 2009-04-09. Retrieved 2009-04-09.
  4. ^ "Classic Restorations LLC Web Site". Classic Restorations. 2009-11-09. Retrieved 2009-11-09.

Sumber : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Posted by ronaldoccd on Minggu, 06 Desember 2009 , under | komentar (0)

~Tugas Manusia Sebagai Makhluk ALLAH
Nabi Adam as. sampai Nabi Muhammad saw. serta manusia beriman lainnya harus dapat melaksanakan tugas² pokok manusia yaitu sbg berikut :
1.Menyembah ALLAH.
2.Taat kepada ALLAH dan Rasul-Nya.
3.Mengetahui dan memahami segala perintah ALLAH dan segala larangan-Nya.
4.Melaksanakan segala perintah ALLAH dan menjauhi segala larangan-Nya.

~Iman Kepada ALLAh
Abu Hasan Al Asyari adalah pendiri aliran Asy'ariah atau Ahlusunah waljamaah. Beliau lahir di Basrah pada tahun 873 M. Beliaulah yang memperkenalkan 13 sifat ALLAH (yang oleh pengikutnya dikembangkan menjadi 20 sifat). Asy'ariah bersikap moderat terhadap doktrin teologi. Di satu sisi, Asy'ariah menggunakan akal untuk menyikapi masalah teologi. Di sisi lain, mereka juga percaya penuh kepada dalil wahyu. Penduduk Asy'ariah antara lain adalah Khalifah Al Mutawakil (Abbasyiah) dan Ulama Besar Imam Al Ghazali. Asy'ariah berkembang luas khususnya di dunia timur yang meliputi India, Pakistan, dan termasuk Indonesia.

~Sifat Terpuji
Kegemaran Nabi Muhammad saw. adalah membantu penduduk Mekah dalam memecahkan perselisihan di antara mereka. Ketika Ka'bah dibangun kembali (setelah runtuh) semuah suku di Mekah turut serta bekerja membangunnya. Akan tetapi, terjadi perselisihan hebat sewaktu menempatkan Hajar Aswad di antara pemimpin suku. Semuanya merasa paling berhak dan paling terhormat untuk mengembalikan ke tempat semula. Setelah bermusyawarah, mereka memilih Muhammad yang masih muda pada saat itu untuk menjadi hakim/penegak dan menentukan keputusannya.
Keputusan yang diambil Muhammad tidak mengurangi kehormatan salah satu suku pun. Beliau membentangkan selembar kain putih di tanah, meletakkan Hajar Aswad ditengah kain tersebut, lalu meminta masing-masing pemimpin suku untuk memegang ujung kain tersebut dan mengangkat Hajar Aswad itu ke tempatnya, lalu Muhammad meletakkan batu itu sebagaimana semula. Semua itu merupakan integritas kejujuran dan kebijaksanaan yang membuat Nabi Muhammad saw. memperoleh gelar Al-Amin(yang dapat dipercaya).

~Sumber Hukum Islam
Usaha menghimpun Al Qur'an secara tertulis dimulai segera setelah Nabi wafat. Abu Bakar, khalifah pertama memerintahkan Zaid bin Sabit, juru tulis utama Nabi, untuk mengumpulkan lembaran Al Qur'an yang terpisah-pisah. Teks yang dikumpulkan tersebut disimpan olehnya. Setelah Abu Bakar wafat pada tahun 634 M, teks tersebut diserahkan kepada Umar bin Khattab khalifah ke-dua, setelah Umar wafat pada tahun 644 M, Usman bin Affan, khalifak ke-tiga membentuk sebuah dewan yang diketuai oleh Zaid bin Sabit untuk membuat 6(enam) salinan naskah berdasarkan mushaf Abu Bakar. Setelah pekerjaan itu selesai, salinan tersebut ditulis dengan teliti. Kalifah Usman mengumpulkan para sahabat Nabi dan membacakan edisi "asli" tersebut dimuka umum. Kemudian mengirimkan Mushaf Usman ke pusat-pusat pemerintahan dunia dalam teks Al Qur'an yang dipakai sekarang termasuk di Indonesia dalah teks yang sama dengan mushaf Usman.

>> Apabiala ada kesalahan ataupun kekeliruan dalam tulisan di atas mohon dimaklumi..

TugasTeori Organisasi Umum

Posted by ronaldoccd on Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009 , under | komentar (0)

Kepemimpinan adalah proses mempengaruhi aktivitas-aktivitas sebuah kelompok yang diorganisasi kearah pencapaian tujuan
Tipe-tipe kepemimpinan:
1. Tipe otokratis
ciri-cirinya antara lain:
a.mengandalkan kepada kekuatan/kekuasaan.
b.menganggap dirinya paling berkuasa.
c.keras dalam mempertahankan prinsip
d.jauh dari para bawahan
e.perintah diberikan secara paksa

2.Tipe Laissez Faire
a.memberi kebebasan kepada para bawahan
b.pimpinan tidak terlibat dalam kegiatan
c.semua pekerjaan dan tanggung jawab dilimpahkan kepada bawahan
d.tidak mempunyai wibawa
e.tidak ada koordinasi dan pengawasan yang baik

3.Tipe paternalistik
a.pemimpin bertindak sebagai bapak
b.memperlakukan bawahan sebagai orang yang belum dewasa
c.selalu memberikan perlindungan
d.keputusan ada ditangan pemimpin

4.Tipe militerlistik
a.dalam komunikasi menggunakan saluran formal
b.menggunakan sistem komando
c.segala sesuatu bersifat formal
d.disiplin yang tinggi,kadang bersifat kaku

5.Tipe demokratis
a.berpartisipasi aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
b.bersifat terbuka
c.bawahan diberi kesempatan untuk memberi saran dan ide baru
d.dalam pengambilan keputusan utamakan musyawarah untuk mufakat
e.menghargai potensi individu

6.Tipe open leadership
tipe ini hampir sama dengan tipe demokratis.perbedaanya terletak dalam hal pengambilan keputusan.dalam tipe ini keputusan ada ditangan pemimpin.

Teori kepemimpinan
1. Teori kelebihan
2. Teori sifat
3. Teori keturunan
4. Teori kharismatis
5. Teori bakat
6. Teori sosial

Kepemimpinan yang efektif harus memberikan pengarahan terhadap usaha-usaha semua pekerja dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi,tanpa kepemimpinan atau bimbingan,hubungan antara tujuan perseorangan dan tujuan organisasi mungkin terjadi renggang keadaan ini menimbulkan situasi dimana perseorangan berkerja untuk mencapai tujuan pribadinya,sementara itu keseluruhan organisasi menjadi tidak efisien dalam mencapai sasaran-sasarannya

Literatur :
¤ Sukanto R & T,Hani Handoko.Organisasi Perusahaan.PBFE.Yogyakarta.2000
¤ Widyatmini & IZzati A.Pengantar Organisasi & Metode,Gunadarma,Jakarta, 1995
¤ Wursanto,Ig.2005,Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Organisasi,Andi,Yogyakarta,2005


Apa Ya ??????

Posted by ronaldoccd on Rabu, 02 Desember 2009 , under | komentar (0)

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